The Texas Child Mental Health Care Consortium was funded by the legislature to expand access to care for children and adolescents in Texas. To implement that charge, TCMHCC has developed initiatives to address different aspects of the challenge. We are one of 13 health-related institutions in Texas funded as part of this initiative. TCMHCC is funded by the State of Texas through the Texas Child Mental Health Consortium and offered through a partnership between JPS Health Network and The University of North Texas Health Science Center.
- The Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine (TCHATT) program provides assessment and behavioral telehealth visits to at-risk children and adolescents.
- The Child Psychiatry Access Network (CPAN) provides telehealth-based consultation and training to pediatricians and primary care providers to assist them with identifying and treating mental health issues in their patients.
- The research programs will focus on peer-reviewed health systems research, conducted collaboratively through networks and targeted at high-priority areas affecting children and adolescents.
- The Community Psychiatry Workforce Expansion (CPWE) program promotes collaboration with Tarrant County MHMR and other community-based providers to develop and maintain capacity for psychiatric resident positions in order to expand services available to children and adolescents.
Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine, or TCHATT, provides telemedicine or telehealth programs to school districts to help identify and assess the behavioral health needs of children and adolescents and provide access to mental health services. If you're interested in joining TCHATT, please email us at to see if it is available in your region. TCHATT is deploying first in those regions where an existing infrastructure can be expanded or a new infrastructure can be set up quickly.
Who Can Access TCHATT?
As of October 15, 2020, 96 school districts in Texas were actively involved with TCHATT, covering 1,124 schools and a total student population of 842,422. It is anticipated that the total number of covered students will expand to 1.33 million once the MOUs in progress are fully executed.
How to use TCHATT?
- Share your concern with your school's designated TCHATT liaison, or refer the student to your school's designated TCHATT liaison.
- The school TCHATT liaison will ensure required consent forms have been signed by the appropriate party (i.e., student, parent, guardian). If the parent/ guardian agrees to TCHATT, the liaison will collect some basic information to share with TCHATT.
- The school TCHATT liaison then calls TCHATT.
When the School TCHATT Liaison Calls TCHATT
- For urgent issues, further screening via telemedicine will be scheduled with the most appropriate TCHATT mental health specialist.
- For less urgent issues, we will schedule an assessment of the mental health needs.
- After a TCHATT Encounter, TCHATT staff may refer the student to a local pediatric psychiatrist or other mental health professional; a local pediatrician with support from pediatric psychiatry faculty; or the local mental health community center.
The Child Psychiatry Access Network (CPAN) is a network of academic hubs that provides telemedicine-based consultation, care coordination, and training to pediatric providers to assist them with identifying mental health issues in their patients.
- One-fourth to one-third of the pediatric cases you see each day involve mental health concerns.
- You may not feel adequately trained to address these issues and, even if you do, they can be very time-consuming.
- The Texas Legislature funded CPAN to offer you free consultation and continuing education to help improve the quality of care you are able to offer pediatric patients with mental health concerns.
How does CPAN Work?
- Register by phone or email (
- Upon enrollment, your facility will be assigned a primary hub within your region.
- When you want help, call us at (888) 901-CPAN (2726) to speak with a pediatric psychiatrist or mental health clinician. Our goal is to return your call within 30 minutes or less.
- We will let you know when free CMEs are available to you.
How do I enroll?
Enrolling is quick and easy. Call us at (888) 901-CPAN (2726), press 1 and 1 for the JPS/UNTHSC hub.
What can you expect as a participating provider?
- For individual primary care providers: Prompt access to a child psychiatrist for phone consultation on medication questions, including follow-ups.
- For practices that have behavioral health clinicians: Expert consultation on difficult cases.
- For pediatric health homes: Help to fully incorporate behavioral services into the practice through access to a child psychiatrist.
- For patients needing specialized care: Help to identify resources for evaluation and ongoing care.
Click here to create your CPAN Portal account and begin enrolling your clinic. Please reach out to your regional hub at or call (817) 702-9400 with any questions.
Child Psychiatry Access Network (CPAN)
Texas Child Health Access Through Telemedicine (TCHATT)
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